Based on the popular Japanese manga and anime series, Bleach Online is a free-to-play 2D browser-based MMORPG that immerses you in the world of Ichigo Kurosaki and all of the Soul Reapers. Coming from GoGames, Bleach Online offers a storyline based on what fans of the series know from the manga and anime. They’ll be able to pick from three unique classes that all offer their own advantages and abilities. For players who like to stay busy while playing their MMORPGs, Bleach Online can be played in AFK Mode so that their characters can level up even when they’re not actively playing thanks to the automated combat system. But don’t feel like you’re going to have to go it alone. Bleach Online players can recruit iconic characters from the manga and anime series to join their party out in the field to really take the fight to the Hollows with up five partners. And for an extra fun addition, Bleach Online allows players to put some of the more notable characters in bikinis in the self-styled Bikini Game. If you love Bleach then Bleach Online is definitely worth a look.